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Book Review: The Black Echo by Michael Connelly

Right What You No: Book Review: The Black Echo by Michael Connelly

Friday, January 27, 2012

Book Review: The Black Echo by Michael Connelly

The Black EchoThe Black Echo by Michael Connelly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It took a while to work through my to-read list and make it to my signed copy of The Black Echo. I met Michael at the Sydney Writers' Festival, had the customary quick chat and walked away with a couple of his books signed - made it worthwhile bringing that book from home. This gives you an idea that I have roughly a 8-9 month to-be-read list that isn't really becoming any shorter.

For those crime genre fans who haven't heard of Michael Connelly or his Harry Bosch series, I'd suggest that the rock you are living under is a little cramped and this book should encourage you out into the fresh air. When Michael writes a crime novel it is an intensely good read from a master in the genre. Don't believe me? They asked him to come on the TV show Castle because of his writing cred. If I have one criticism of the Bosch series it is that not every book is as compelling as this one. I was not a fan of City of Bones, despite it being an adequate crime novel.

Of course, I can't post a Michael Connelly review without my favourite moment from his appearance on TV. Enjoy.

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