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Social media

Right What You No: Social media

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Social media

In internet terms I'm somewhat of a noob. I was late to Facebook, I held out on joining message boards and forums, I even had a personal campaign to avoid the vapidness of Twitter. Now, of course, I am happy to admit that I was wrong. Social media is awesome.

There are some down sides of course. I'm not a huge fan of the salespeople posing as real people on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and the various forums I frequent. There are only so many times per day that I need to be told that my penis is not big enough, that I could be making money on Twitter by being a douche, or that someone I've never conversed with has a book for sale.

What I love about social media is the friends I've made, the great conversations I've had and all the catching up I've managed to do with friends I don't get to see regularly. I have just joined Linkedin and discovered a friend of mine has two start up companies (check them out: How would I have found that out between now and the next time we catch up for a beer?

Anyway, you can join me on the links below. We can chat, I'll be funny, quote some science and talk books.

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