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Book Review: Climate Change Denial - Heads in the Sand

Right What You No: Book Review: Climate Change Denial - Heads in the Sand

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Book Review: Climate Change Denial - Heads in the Sand

Climate Change Denial: Heads in the SandClimate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand by Hadyn Washington and John Cook
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

It takes a while to read a book during your lunch break at work. It can take even longer if the book you are reading is filled with interesting tidbits of referenced information, which then inspires you to read the original research paper. I suppose that is the best thing about Washington and Cook's Climate Change Denial, it is filled with interesting research and arguments, all concisely expressed for anyone with an interest in the future of our planet.

Usually I have an issue with non-fiction books. Often times the non-fiction genre is filled with work that lacks credibility or validity. Non-fiction is also prone to the shouting polemic, which is all doom and gloom, and short on any solutions. Climate Change Denial is the opposite, with a very well researched base of information, well rounded and reasoned arguments and an entire chapter devoted to the solutions for both denial and climate change.

What interested me was the mindset of denial. I've done a lot of reading of the peer reviewed literature on climate change (hint: the world is getting warmer, it's our fault, we need to take action now) and have been frustrated with the same debunked arguments arising time and again. Now I understand why, well, aside from the massive fear and smear campaign waged by denier groups with oil $$. I also appreciated the candid debunking and slaying of the red herrings (e.g. we need to adapt) and white elephants (e.g. carbon capture and storage) often associated with the climate change debate.

This is a great book for the climate change extension people, for those who are undecided on the topic, and a must read for politicians (this book has been given to every Federal Government minister in Australia). Those who read it now have the job of converting the deniers, logic and science will prevail, but it would be nice to have that happen sooner rather than later.

Also worth reading John Cook's fantastic site.

View all my reviews

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At November 15, 2011 at 11:23 PM , Anonymous April said...

I'm someone who doesn't necessarily deny stuff like this but who prefers to bury her head because it scares her. :( I find books like this and think I should read them...but I'm not sure it could hold my interest. Like the AW political threads...I love them, but it turns out so many of them are above my head. Not that I'm not intelligent enough to follow it, but I'm just not sure I want to. Sometimes, I prefer my little bubble of life. Even though I know it's better to be educated.

At November 16, 2011 at 8:41 AM , Blogger Tyson Adams said...

Oh it is definitely scary. Such a big problem. I hate the politics side of things, so many vested interests on both sides.

I just wave the flag to make sure science is heard and so politics doesn't try to subvert facts for an agenda.


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