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Combating Writer's Block: Advice by Genre

Right What You No: Combating Writer's Block: Advice by Genre

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Combating Writer's Block: Advice by Genre

There is no worse disease for a writer than writer's block. I'd also say that writer's block is terrible for readers too, uninspired prose is what we expect from policy and political people, not our entertainment. I'm a fan of Stephen King's writing advice: set a daily word goal and stay at it until you reach the goal. There is something about daily writing and forcing yourself to write that seems to make things flow.

But Tyson, I hear you say, I'm stuck with no ideas for what to write next. Luckily I was procrastinating whilst writing the other day and came up with a definitive fail safe for each major genre. Any additions are welcome in the comments.

Thriller Writers
When writer's block strikes kill someone or blow something up.

Crime Writers
When writer's block strikes describe the main character getting drunk and wallowing in self pity.

Mystery Writers
When writer's block strikes introduce a red herring.

Romance Writers
When writer's block strikes introduce new character with rock hard abs.

Literature Writers
When writer's block strikes describe a tree in intimate detail.

Fantasy Writers
When writer's block strikes have a talking dragon appear.

Sci-fi Writers
When writer's block strikes cut and paste physics article from Wikipedia into your novel.

Horror Writers
When writer's block strikes cut and paste autopsy reports into your novel.

Paranormal Writers
If you already have vampires, ghosts and werewolves in your novel, introduce ninjas and pirates as characters.

If you are really stuck after all of these ideas, then there is no novel in existence that can't/couldn't be improved by the addition of pirates and/or ninjas.

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At February 16, 2012 at 10:47 AM , Blogger KT Banks said...

Okay, this was funny. Not what I was expecting, but funny. And I'm mostly a Thriller writer.

At February 16, 2012 at 9:47 PM , Blogger Tyson Adams said...

I'm a thriller writer too. No point in being too serious about the little troubles in life.

So I expect we will both have spots in our novels that will have unusually high body counts. Excellent!

At February 18, 2012 at 11:12 PM , Blogger SJIHolliday said...

Haha - this is actually very useful ;)


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